Thursday 12 November 2009

Group ideas for the preliminary task

Johns idea for the preliminary task is this: A man is sat at a table in a seedy pub, low key lighting, chiascuro, smoke from cigarettes.
The door opens and another beardy man enters and sits opposite the first man.
He hands him a package.
The first asks : 'Is this the stuff'?'
The second says : 'Yeah, handsome'
The first says: 'I'll take your package anyday!'

Match on action-Passing the drugs package

Stacys idea is this: Romantic restaurant, A man proposes but the woman declines because she was on her way to tell him she is marrying his bestfriend instead. The man then drops to the floor suffering a heart attack.

My idea is this: A man is sat in a bar struggling to open a bag of crisps.
A woman walks in and sits opposite him. She says "would you like a hand with that".
He replies "No im ok" at which the point woman snatches the crisps from him and opens them with ease. Handing them back he looks deep into her eyes and says "I think I love you".

Sophies idea is this: A woman is sat on a table by herself; waiting for someone she seems agitated and nervous. A man enters sits infront of her, he never looks directly at her. She says; " I want it done.... as soon as possible" he replies " No more time will be wasted... the deed will be done." The woman is organising for her Husband's lover to be killed.

Match on Action- The woman places a wad of money on the table and quickly leaves.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Group for preliminary task

My group consists of me, John Vallis, Sophie Thomas and Stacy Williams.
Everyone in the group has their own strengths and weaknesses. I personally believe that my main strength is that i am hard working and good at organizing people. I also feel that my knowledge of music could be beneficial to the group. An example of this was in music when a group was recording and I helped them set up all the equipment correctly and also how to arrange themselves to yield the best results. I also feel that my knowledge of music could be beneficial to the group. However, I feel that my weakness is that i do not really know how to get the best use of the technology on offer.
I believe that John will be a very useful member of the group as he has a vast knowledge of the media and can also use the technology to its full potential. I personally believe that his weakness is that he can lose his temper and this could affect the work he produces.
Sophie is a very positive person and always aspires to achieve her best. However, she sometimes sets her sights too high which can lead to discouragement when things dont go right.
I feel that Stacy's strength is that she is very confident and also has a good knowledge of film, as she is also studying A2 Film Studies.
Overall I believe the group has a good mix of skills and will be able to succesfully complete the preliminary task to a high standard.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Introduction To Preliminary Task

Today I began the coursework for AS Media.
We found out about the preliminary task which is as follows:

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule

Here is an example of a shot/reverse shot:

I believe this is a good example as the performances are both very good. Also, Dr. Lecter is framed with less space than Starling which is representative of his imprisonment. Also, the use of close-ups of the characters talking directly at the camera makes the viewer feel like they are being addressed directly, thus drawing them into the story. This helps with the verisimilitude of the scene as it makes the audience feel involved in the events which are unfolding.
Also, the clip follows the classic system of continuity editing. For example, the extract stays within the confines of the 180 degree rule. This means the camera never crosses an imaginary line (axis of action) between the two characters meaning that the characters always appear on the same side of the screen. For example, in this clip the camera is always over Lecters right shoulder, and Starlings left. This creates the impression that they are talking to each other.
The clip also makes use of an establishing shot in the form of a slow tracking, POV shot through the corrdior towards Lecters cell. This allows the audience to see the setting of the following conversation. Once again, the POV shot draws the viewer into the scene adding to the verisimilitude. Also, by showing all the prisoners and how they react in such negative ways to the presence of Starling it sets an uncomfortable tone before the conversation even starts.