Tuesday 10 November 2009

Group for preliminary task

My group consists of me, John Vallis, Sophie Thomas and Stacy Williams.
Everyone in the group has their own strengths and weaknesses. I personally believe that my main strength is that i am hard working and good at organizing people. I also feel that my knowledge of music could be beneficial to the group. An example of this was in music when a group was recording and I helped them set up all the equipment correctly and also how to arrange themselves to yield the best results. I also feel that my knowledge of music could be beneficial to the group. However, I feel that my weakness is that i do not really know how to get the best use of the technology on offer.
I believe that John will be a very useful member of the group as he has a vast knowledge of the media and can also use the technology to its full potential. I personally believe that his weakness is that he can lose his temper and this could affect the work he produces.
Sophie is a very positive person and always aspires to achieve her best. However, she sometimes sets her sights too high which can lead to discouragement when things dont go right.
I feel that Stacy's strength is that she is very confident and also has a good knowledge of film, as she is also studying A2 Film Studies.
Overall I believe the group has a good mix of skills and will be able to succesfully complete the preliminary task to a high standard.

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