Thursday, 10 December 2009

Opening scene inspiration

This is a good example of an effective horror movie opening:

The main inspiration from this clip is the use of low key lighting and minimal yet disturbing imagery. Also, the way the titles appear on the black half of the screen while the action occurs on the left.

The film is made in black and white, despite the technology being available to produce the film in colour. Their are a few possible reasons for director Jack Clayton to have chosen this method, one being that it would have been cheaper to film in black and white. However, personally i believe that black and white is used to represent the juxtaposition of light and dark themes throughout the film. One example of this juxtaposition is the way the children are possessed, as they are normally associated with innocence.

The frame is divided into two distinct halves, one being pitch black and the other being dimly lit, as if by a candle. The titles appear slowly on the black side of the screen while the lit side is reserved for the action taking place.
The action occurring infers many themes despite not explicitly revealing any of them. This was a direct influence on our piece, trying to suggest large themes with simple imagery. The action taking place in the sequence could be interpreted in different ways. The pryaying hands can be seen as a cry for help and could suggest religious themes throughout the film. However, the nervous shaking and alternation in movement could suggest she is begging, possibly for mercy from an unspeakable evil. This would create a sense of unease in the viewer as it suggests something is wrong without saying what.

The low key lighting suggests that the happenings are very mysterious and wont be easily solved. This creates a feeling of suspense in the viewer as they know there will be a dark foreboding atmosphere throughout the film.

The Mise-en scene of the sequence is very minimalistic, suggesting a theme of isolation throughout the film. This could make the viewer seem lonely and uncomfortable while watching the film.

Note: We are only examining the title sequence of this film.

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