Thursday 25 February 2010

Dawn of the Dead title sequence analysis

I feel this is a very well made horror title sequence. The first thing we see is red font on a black background, a very striking colour combination and one with dark connotations. This font then turns to blood and trickles off the side of the screen.
This is a very interesting effect and fits the tone of the film as it suggests it will be gory and also has almost comedic connotations. Also the way the blood runs off the side of the screen would make the audience feel uneasy as it is a very unnatural movement.

There is an effective mix of diagetic and non-diagetic sound. These two sound types seem to be juxtaposed. This is evidenced by the disturbing screeches which are played suddenly when the very fast shots of zombies appear. These would make the audience jump and they would then be in suspense for when the next one will appear. However, the non-diegetic sound, in the form of a Johnny Cash song is very up-beat and almost playful, a direct contradiction with the scenes of carnage being shown. Also, certain sounds throughout the clip switch from Non-Diegetic to Diegetic. One example of this is the conference at the begginning where the disease is being discussed, none of the speakers are shown until the very end of that section.
This switch of sound types could represent the change in reality occurring in the film.

The editing in the titles is very quick, with fast cuts and various subliminal flashes of disturbing imagery. This is an influence on our piece as this is something we have tried to incorporate with very quick shots of a disfigured doll.

The mise-en-scene of the sequence is very grim; the whole way through with many shots of death, destruction and fire. The sequence cleverly creates a sense of verisimilitude by incorporating images of the zombies attacking throughout scenes of real life disasters, making them seem real. This creates a sense of fear in the viewer.

The colour pallette and lighting constantly changes as the titles are made up of
scenes of real life, filmed destruction. I believe this inconsistency in tone would create a sense of unease in the viewer as they would not know what to expect next and this would keep them on edge. We have therefore included a few changes in the colour pallete throughout our titles as hopefully it will create the same effect that is achieved here.

There are not really any performances in the sequence as it is made of real clips. However all the clips show people scared and in distress. This very real fear adds to the verisimiltude and also succeeds in disturbing the viewer.

The shots of zombies attacking are filmed from very inconsistent angles, some from above, some from below and some from straight on. This inconsistency suggests that the zombies are unpredictable and are taking over everywhere, shown by the multitude of viewpoints.
Most of the shots contain some kind of distortion such as static or a grainy picture. I believe this adds to the grm mise-en-scene and also contributes more to the verisimiltude.

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