Sunday 7 March 2010

Evaluation: Question 3

What kind of Media institution might distribute your product and why?:

In order to find a suitable distributor for our film it is necessary to research a wide number of companies and also look at the kind of films they have released in the past.
There are over a hundred film distributors in the UK alone. Some of the big names included in this list are: 20th Century Fox
Columbia Pictures
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Warner Bros

However there also dozens of lesser known companies as well
These include: Axiom Films and
Blue Dolphin Films.

The main role of the distribution company is to persuade exhibitors to show the film being distributed. This is done by holding screenings and also showing exhibitors the films marketing scheme, all these things are intended to show the exhibitor that the film is capable of making a profit.

As such i believe a big and well known distributor would be the best kind of media institution to dsitribute my film. This is because they are obviously good at securing deals and getting films shown and as such I feel the film would be far more succesful distributed like this than through a smaller company.
The next stage was to find a large distribution company that has had success in the past with horror films. Companies that fit this description include:
Paramount Pictures
20th Century Fox

Out of these 3 companies i personally believe that Paramount pictures would be the best company to distribute the film, as they have made great profits in the past with horror films such as the 'Friday The Thirteenth' series and also a number of Stephen King adaptations such as 'Pet Semetary'. They were also responsible for distributing the recent film 'Paranormal Activity' a film with similar themes to ours.

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