Monday 8 March 2010

Evaluation: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?:

When considering the prospective audience for a film it is importantto take into account demographics and socio-economic groups.
A demographic is a particular segment of a wider audience and are mainly based on a viewers Age

A number code is often used to determine between demographics, and these are as follows: A= Top Management, Doctors, Lawyers and professionals
B= Middle management, Teachers, Graphic designers etc
C1= Office supervisors, Junior Managers, Nurses and Clerical staff
C2= Skilled workers, Tradeworkers (white collar)
D= Semi Skilled and unskilled manual work (blue collar)
E= Unemployed, Students, Pensioners, Casual workers.

Based on this system i personally believe that the target demographic would be both C1 and C2. This is because horror films stereotypically appeal to teenage boys. However i believe our film has a more mature plot and feel to it and as such we can challenge the dominant ideology of a typical audience. I feel the C band is an appropriate demographic as they are all skilled jobs, therefore the workers are obviously fairly intelligent and would be able to appreciate the nuances and subtlety in our film. Also the jobs arent particularly high up meaning the workers are probably fairly young (20 to 30 approximately). This age is very close to the main market for this type of film and I feel that these two points combine to justify the C band as a good target demographic.

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