Thursday 11 March 2010

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the final product?:

One of the most obvious areas of improvement in our final piece was our ability to frame shots. If you compare this still from our preliminary task:

With this shot from the final product:

It is easy to see that the framing has improved. This can be seen in how in the preliminary task there is a large amount of space on one side of the frame, however we ddidnt make this mistake in our final piece.

I feel that this also shows that our knowledge of using a certain lighting effect to elicit a certain response from the viewer has improved. This is because in the preliminary task only room lighting was used and everything looked very plain. However, from our research we found that dark grainy images our a lot more disturbing as it adds to the verisimiltude of the piece. This is a technique used in the film paranormal activity and can be seen here:

As such we decided to employ a realistic dark colour pallette as it is far more effective and scary.

This ties in to our improved knowlege of representation and ideology and showing these through mise-en-scene. For example one of the themes in our film is the gradual degredation of innocence, and to reflect this idea we chose to use footage of a burning doll as it is representative of the destruction of childhood and the innocence associated with it. I believe our implementation of ideologies and representation has also improved as in our final piece we both conform to and challenge ideologies and explore different aspects of representation. This would hopefully make the audience think carefully about what they are seeing and should make them feel involved in the film world.

Another thing that improved is the quality of our editing, and more precisely the pacing of our film. In our research we found that pacing can also be used to illicit a certain emotional response from viewers, as such we decided to pace our film with a wave like structure in that it is speeding up and slowing down throughout. I think that this would keep the audience on edge as it is unpredictable. The pace also increases towards the end which would hopefully signify to the viewer that they are speeding towards something inescapably and should make them feel tense and suspenseful as to what is coming.
Comparing this to the standard editing from our preliminary task and it is easy to see that our ability to use editing has vastly improved.

Anothere thing that has improved is the quality of music and how well it is choreographed with the images. This is because in our preliminary task we simply chose a piece from creative commons and as such it didnt really match the action or themes happening on screen. However, for our final piece the music was composed as the film was playing, as such it perfectly fits with the onscreen action and crescendos at corresponding points. Because of this it is much more effective and appropriately sets the mood for the film.

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