Monday 8 March 2010

Evaluation: Question 5

Once our film is finished and the target demographic decided, the next stage is to ensure that our film appeals to and reaches the audience it is intended for.
The main method of this is having an effective marketing campaign.
A marketing campaign usually consists of a mixture of these methods:
Print adverts (e.g in a newspaper)
Trailers to be shown on TV or in the cinema
Interviews (a star appearing on a chat show to promote the film)
Tie- in campaigns (A certain brand being used in the film)
Merchandise (ranging from T- shirts and baseball caps to keyrings and mugs)

A famous example of a Tie- in campaign is the film Casino Royale and its links with the company 'Marks and Spencers' which provided all clothing and catering for the film. I personally believe that product placement such as this would be a good method of marketing for our film as it is very stylised in the outfits used.
I believe other suitable methods of marketing the film would be Posters, Print adverts and trailers. I believe the poster and print adverts should be very minimalistic in what they show about the film as this would heighten the mystery and intrigue in the audience. An example of a famous film using a promotional scheme like this can be seen here:

However, I personally believe that a merchandise campaign would not be an appropriate method of marketing the film as this method is generally intended to appeal to a young pre-teen audience, a demographic we are not aiming to target.

As horror films appeal traditionally to a predominantly male audience I feel it would be appropriate to include an image of the lead female character on most publicity materials. This theory of 'Sex Sells' can be seen on many film adverts in this genre and also others. An example of this can be seen here:


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